Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Appliance Appraisal #1

There are a variety of appliances and tools that can be used to make cooking with SCD much easier.  When it comes down to it, there is probably an appliance to do just about long as there is a person/robot to set them all up.  In the last three years, I have tried many 'tools' to help with cooking in large quantity.  Some have worked amazingly and others I find that I would rather do it the 'old-fashion way'...aka, by hand.

So this will be a series on different appliances/tools that a). "I can't imagine cooking without", b). "to be used when necessary", and c). "meh, my hands do a better job".  I hope, by doing this, that those who are looking at SCD for themselves, will get a better idea of what my weekly/monthly cooking looks like.  Then, for those, who aren't doing SCD, you may find some neat gadgets to help you with your own clean food eating!

My first appliance is my beloved "yogourmet" for making SCD legal yogurt.  Once my yogurt is in this yogurt maker, it ferments for 24 hours.  I, personally, don't remember what regular yogurt tastes like anymore, so I'm not a good judge of the quality.  Yet, the Queen Bee, Captain America, and my brothers all prefer it to regular yogurt...even yogurt that is made at home but only fermented for the regular 4-8 hours doesn't taste this good!  Here it is in the machine, tonight...
The yogourmet comes in the following box, with directions, a cheese cloth, a thermometer, and a jar for the yogurt (jar not shown as it is in the yogurt maker).
So, how often do I use this? EVERY SINGLE WEEK.  It has done wonders for replenishing my gut with good bacteria.  You can click here for making your own SCD legal yogurt.  I, personally, have my own SCD legal yogurt starter from GI ProHealth, which is good for a year and makes up to 80 quarts of yogurt.  This way, I'm not dealing with finding the correct yogurt and wasting the rest of the yogurt.    

One little icing on the cake is that this yogourmet is actually from Québec...did you notice the French on the box?  When I stayed with my Grandmaman this summer, I was able to use her own machine and have my own yogurt!

All in all, this is a must have for my kitchen (definitely falling under the option of "I can't imagine cooking without"), as it is used on a regular basis.


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