Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Recap of Summer 2014

So I've posted many updates on our house this summer but I would like to share with you the other comings and goings that we have done.  It has been a great summer...different, as previously posted, but memorable nonetheless.  Here are some pictures to recap some of our summer activities...

With fondness, I will remember the following times:

Celebrating the Queen Bee's birthday by analyzing each home in the Parade of Homes...

 Teaching ourselves cribbage and other card games...
Tonka, becoming more vocal and 'social'...
Spending five extra days with my Grand-maman...
Captain America, having poutine on the first day of his arrival in Québec and on the day of departure (plus a couple of times in between)...
Playing 'tourists' as we (re)visited Québec City, Trois-Rivières, Montréal and many villages along the Chemin du Roy...
Running the pretty country roads near Saint-Barthélemy...
Visiting my many cousins, uncles, and aunts...who generously shared their culture through interviews for my students, provided organic meats/veggies for me to cook, and also shared cars...
 Seeing my beautiful cousin get married...
Blueberry picking with a friend...
 Hiking along the gorge...
....and many more activities that I forgot to 'capture' in picture form...

My summer didn't start out so well with the lovely flare symptoms, but, in the end, it ended up being a great break.  The activities and excursions I was able to do, weren't possible at the beginning of the summer.  So, there was definite growth over the summer.  By having those times where we go without or are less capable, makes us appreciate, all the more, the times when we aren't held back by various 'symptoms'!



Danielle said...

This looks like a wonderful summer :)

Unknown said...

Thanks! It, we got to see you guys!