Thursday, July 26, 2018

March 2018 Update

Dear Friends & Family,

Happy Easter ! Joyeuses Pâques !  What a gift it is to be serving Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and then was raised up three days later for us, defeating sin and death!  It’s a gift to be His chosen people and we thank you for joining in the proclamation of this Good News.  All glory be to God!

Well, it’s happened, our lives have quickly changed to “toddlerhood”, Lydia started walking on March 13th (the day before 14 months).  She’s a joy to watch grow and we take such delight in seeing the world through her eyes.  It is fun watching her character develop.

Our church had the privilege of baptizing 9 people on Easter Sunday!  We rejoice in the celebration of these lives that have been born again.  Easter Sunday was in the form of a big brunch and the Gospel message was proclaimed and made evident through the lives that have been touched.  We also enjoyed a Good Friday worship night.  If you would like to check-out some of the pictures from Easter Sunday, you can look at this link on Ecclésia's Facebook page (and to stay up-to-date with the church body here!).

We appreciate your continued prayers for Andréa.  We have chosen a biological treatment and are awaiting the first transfusion appointment.  The nurse has said that we should be getting a call this week to set-up the schedule.  Please pray for this process and the effectiveness of this treatment.  We trust that God has brought her to this point for a purpose and His perfect timing is never early or never late.

This last month, we received a quick weekend trip from Andréa’s parents!  What a joy it was for a much older Lydia to interact and be loved by them.  We, as a couple, were able to get away for a bit less than 24-hours to rest and recuperate.  Which was much needed and appreciated, as we haven’t had time for just ourselves in a very long time.  Here is a picture of us at one of the many sugar shacks (Cabane à sucre) that were in full swing during the month of March.

Another answer to prayer is the fact that we have officially filed our Canadian taxes!!  The Canadian accountant actually did it for free once he found-out that we were missionaries.  With this tax filing, we will be able to start receiving the monthly Canadian child support, which will in turn allow for us to pay for Jason’s residency application.  Jason’s current clergy visa will expire at the end of this month, so you can pray for smooth sailing as we renew this visa and then, subsequently, apply for residency!!

We appreciate your prayers in the following ways this month:
  • Steadfastness in language learning!
  • Effective treatment and healing for Chrohn's/Colitis.
  • Ease of paperwork shuffling: clergy visa, taxes, child support, and residency application.
Wow, April is here!  It is amazing to think about all of the changes that were happening a year ago at this time: saying good-bye to all of you, packing-up our house and fitting everything into the trailer, and then, of course, our ten day trip across the states.  As the snow leaves and our “world” begins to resemble more of how it looked when we first arrived, we are thankful for all that God has done and look forward, with anticipation, as to what God has in store.  We appreciate your steadfastness, support, and encouragement through this year!

For His Glory,
Jason, Andréa & Lydia Maul

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