Thursday, July 26, 2018

June 2018 Update

Dear Friends & Family,

It is hard to believe that we are already mid-July!  June has been a whirlwind of weeks…moving and getting settled, a visit from Jason’s uncle and aunt, a week away at camp and the start of online teaching courses for Andréa.  Here are two big highlights from the month of June...

A couple of weeks ago, Jason and a good friend of his were able to visit a 91-year old gentleman in his retirement home.  They told this man about Jesus, gave the Gospel message, talked about how Jesus is present and how not only are his sins but his pains and sufferings are on the cross.  They asked the man if he would like to join a relationship with Jesus and at 91-years old this man accepted Jesus into his heart!!  We share this story because we have a deep love and compassion for Québec; if this man after being an atheist all his life can join in the glory of the Father, there is hope for Québec! Québec is a people group with around ½ percent Evangelical Christian and we thank you for your continued partnership and prayer in this mission.  We are grateful for the hard work done here in the past and we look forward to the future.  We believe that there is a movement taking place in Québec and we are so excited to have you joining in on this movement.  It takes about 3% for a movement to take traction in a people group but our goal is not 3%, our goal is that all may know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  We pray and hope for a Québec that becomes light in darkness and turns the direction of North America towards God.

Our family made it to children’s camp at Camp des Bouleaux!!  The church, here, in Saint-Jérôme, every year takes responsibility of one week of camp a year.  This is a great responsibility and quite the production.  Half of the campers are bussed in from Montréal and come from difficult family situations.  Jason had a small cabin of three ten-year old boys, who didn’t have any English abilities!  It was encouraging to see the French growth this year in comparison to last year but it proved to be a challenge to direct the boys all in French (24/7)!  Lydia and Andréa experienced this camp for the first time and helped with the young kids and various needs.  It was a good time for them to connect with other moms and children.  Andréa felt blessed that she could participate this year, in comparison to last year, due to her health.  Let’s just say that Lydia was quite exhausted by the time we returned from camp!

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers for us and the ministry in the following ways:

  • Perseverance in God's ministry here and continual focus on the goal.
  • Our church and language program is welcoming TWO missionary families from Ontario who will be serving in our city for up to 2 years during language and acculturation!
  • Pray for Andréa’s health as we continue to wait for the infusions to start working and make progress.
  • For the lasting work of God in the lives of those who are impacted by “J’aime mon voisin” this summer (local city initiatives in Québec for neighbors to help neighbors).
Thank you, so much, for your support in our lives and, more importantly, the Gospel being spread in Québec.

For His Glory,
Jason, Andréa & Lydia Maul

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