Wednesday, August 13, 2014

20 Days of {Summer} Happiness!...Day 16

{Day 16} A Place For Everything & Everything In Its Place

So, honesty time, I MAY get just a little bit OCD about things, at times all the time, in our house.  As in, I don't enjoy it when things are just "hanging-out" without a place to belong...hence the reason that I categorized and labeled many areas/closets in our house this summer.  Well, one particular area that had been bothering me for a while was all of our internet apparatuses that have just been hanging-out for quite some time.  And although this may seem like a basic action that had no impact on anyone else, I finally found a 'home' for these items in a wooden tray...  
Yep, my little bit of 'happy' was placing them all together in one defined area of the house, giving it a place to belong. I'm sure that Captain America couldn't see any difference in them hanging-out in close proximity, as apposed to belonging to a specified-boxed area!  Still, I'm so blessed to have a husband that just smiles and allows me to have a 'place' for everything and even, now, tries his hardest to put everything back in its place.  It's taken a couple of years of marriage but I'm starting to notice that even he is starting to like having places for everything!...Amazing what five years can do, I wonder what will happen after 25 years?!  

How about you?  Do you have things in your life that need a certain "place" to belong?

1 comment:

tamij said...

Catching up on your posts and laughing about the "everything in its place."

We are definitely cousins! LOL!