Tuesday, August 26, 2014

20 Days of {Summer} Happiness!...Day 18

{Day 18} "Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing"

All of the spaces in our house are quite small and that holds true for our bedroom.  A couple of years ago, we figured-out a way to be more creative with the layout of our room and so far it has worked-out just fine.  Our bedroom is one room that we really haven't altered much.  The one addition would be the chandelier and ceiling medallion.  Other than that, it has stayed pretty simple....
A little while ago, I came across this rack at a garage sale a couple blocks away and was able to snag it for five dollars!  It didn't take much to paint it and then add items from around our house.  The chalkboard was my first official experiment with chalkboard paint...a friend and I tried it out together on cheap frames.  Here are some lessons that I have learned: (a) don't spray it the wrong way and put it all over your hand, (b) if you do it outside, make sure it isn't a windy day because you will have pieces stuck on the board, (c) the paint works great on glass, and (d) make sure you paint the right side of the frame so that way the board can fit back-in properly.  All in all, it was a great activity and I applaud whoever created this in paint form! 
The "always rejoicing" comes from a sermon from John Piper that I have been thinking on this summer, where he states: "What the world needs from the church is our indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow".  I'm not going to put words in Piper's mouth, so if you want to think more on this please listen here to his sermon and let me know what you think.  Sorrow in/for this world is appropriate and always rejoicing is equally appropriate.
What does "sorrowful yet always rejoicing" look like in your life?

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